Bitcoin: I found an incorrect translation in Bitcoin Core, how can I suggest a fix?
Suggested fix: fix for translation error in Bitcoin Core
Bitcoin Core, the open-source software used by the Bitcoin network to manage transactions and connections to other nodes, was recently updated to version 26. However, an error was discovered in one of its translations, which may confuse users whose native language is French.
In the French translation of Bitcoin Core (version 26), a column called “Âge” is used to display the age of each peer node. Unfortunately, this notation is incorrect because it implies that peers have an inherent age, when in reality all nodes on the network are considered equal and have no defined age.
This error can lead to confusion for users trying to understand how to communicate with peers on the Bitcoin network. For example, if someone searches for a peer with the label “Âge: 2” when they know that their peer is actually just an older version of themselves, they may incorrectly assume that their node has been upgraded or that there is some other problem.
To suggest a fix, we need to correct this translation error and replace it with a more accurate one. Here’s how:
The correct label should be “Âge” (French for “age”), without any additional context. This will ensure that users understand that peers do not have an inherent age and can perform the necessary calculations to determine their own age.
Suggested code changes
To implement this fix, we need to update the French translation file in Bitcoin Core. Here’s an example of what the code might look like:
// Translate "Age" to "Âge"
static const char *Translate["peer"]["age"] = "Âge";
// Update the label for the peer tab
static const int peerTabFields[] = {
/* ... other fields ...
0: Translate["peer"]["age"], // <--- Fix! Use "Âge" instead of "Age"
By making this single change, we can ensure that users understand the correct meaning behind the “Age” label and that the Bitcoin Core software is accurate in representing peers on the network.
Fixing the translation error in the French version of Bitcoin Core is a relatively simple process. By updating the relevant code and markup for the peer card, we can ensure that users are correctly informed about the age of their peers and can perform the necessary calculations to determine their own age.
If you are interested in contributing to the development of Bitcoin Core or have any questions about this fix, please feel free to contact the Bitcoin community or participate in our forums.